Dimensional Solutions, Inc.
Industry Solutions
Our customers use one or more of our software products to complete their design projects. Some of the industries which use our products are listed below:
Oil & Gas/Petrochemical/Chemical
If you are working in the oil & gas, petrochemical, chemical, or similar industries and designing equipment such as horizontal exchangers, horizontal vessels, vertical vessels, fractionation towers, air filters, heaters, etc., our products provide equipment-specific data input windows that feel intuitive and familiar. With automatically generated equipment specific load cases and combinations, you will save significant time in determining exactly which load cases and combinations to use to complete your foundation designs. Selection of “Design” mode results in product-determined pier / footing dimensions and pile arrangement that resist the applied loads. Selection of “Analysis” mode allows entering of the pier/footing dimensions and pile layout to resist the applied loads and gives pass/fail results for relevant parameters. With these myriad options, you will be able to obtain an optimal solution for any type of problem.

Transmission line tower foundations subjected to compression forces, high uplift and lateral forces, and eccentric loads demand careful consideration. Our products perform detailed stability (overturning), uplift resistance and sliding resistance calculations for each load combination. Display of intermediate and final results for each analysis and a summarized window displaying pass/fail conditions for key foundation parameters will quickly help you determine the next step in your design. Our software gives you the ability to specify unlimited number of load cases and combinations, allowing consideration of many what-if scenarios. Whether you need a spread footing, mat, or a drilled shaft (caisson) type foundation, our products will help you complete your transmission foundation design projects in minutes.

Commercial buildings, typically subjected to heavy axial loads and biaxial bending, must primarily be designed for safe bearing in addition to other foundation design parameters. Our products use a comprehensive trial and error solution to determine the footing area in contact with soil and thus determine the actual bearing pressures under the footing. A graphical view of bearing capacity diagram for each load combination quickly enables you to determine the most and least stressed areas under the foundation. Our software’s capability to automatically generate multiple types of pile arrangements with a single click while also allowing many ways to enter non-symmetrical pile arrangement provide tremendous flexibility in completing piled-foundations. Whether you need a spread footing under each column or a mat foundation to support multiple columns, give our products a try.

Pre-engineered metal building foundations can be completed using many of our products that allow flexibility in designing these types of foundations. Whether you are designing foundations for extremely lightweight single-story metal building systems that result in net uplift loading on foundations under strong wind loads or gable rigid frames that exert significant horizontal column reactions on the foundations, our products allow many options in considering the ballast that you must use to resist these loads. Whether you are designing moment-resisting foundations with consideration of overturning and sliding or mat foundations on poor soils or deep foundations, our products will help you complete your foundation design projects in a timely manner. Because our products allow unlimited number of load cases and load combinations with an easy to use graphical interface to enter load combination factors, you will be able to complete foundation design in minutes.

To design foundations for any structure, choose from our several products that best fit your design needs. Whether it is a spread footing that supports a pedestal or a column or a large mat foundation that supports multiple load points, you can choose from one or more of several options that we offer. If you would like to design a pile cap with asymmetrical pile arrangements, our products will help you complete it with just a few clicks. Our solution to designing a drilled shaft subjected to axial loads and biaxial bending considers both axial capacity analysis (end bearing, skin friction, pull out), and lateral analysis (shaft lateral deflections and bending moments). It then completes the concrete design with various rebar layouts, that you can use to design wind mill foundations, cellular towers, or any other structure that demands this foundation type.
Anchor Bolt Design
If you have designed anchor bolts to anchor a structure to a foundation, you know how time-consuming that effort is especially when you have to consider various types of anchor tension and shear failure modes. Our anchor bolt design solution considers all of these failure modes and provides recommendations depending on the failure mode so you can determine the next course of action in the design phase.

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