Dimensional Solutions, Inc.



With DSAnchor, designing anchors for concrete foundations is no longer tedious or time-consuming. Our software allows you to quickly and accurately design safe anchorage in a few short steps. The intuitive graphical interface provides an easy way to determine safe anchorage of equipment and structures. DSAnchor is now integrated into our products – Foundation3D, Mat3D and Shaft3D.

DSAnchor takes into account a wide range of variables that may arise in any project — from anchor patterns to load combinations and cases.

The following features assist you in designing and analyzing your projects in a few easy steps and give you the concise answers you need.


Design and Analysis features:

  • Because DSAnchor is integrated into our other products – Foundation3D, Mat3D and Shaft3D, you only enter load cases and combinations once saving significant input time
  • Easy-to-use and easy-to-modify anchor database which includes prebuilt cast-in headed bolts, headed studs, hooked bolts, post-installed mechanical anchors and post-installed bonded anchors
  • Supports various Anchor Patterns: rectangular and circular anchor patterns, symmetrical and asymmetrical anchor layouts, including entering anchor coordinates
  • Displays single and group anchor forces, individual anchor and anchor group capacity calculations for axial loads and biaxial bending loading conditions
  • Override various program computed parameters such as group areas, interaction ratio, bolt bearing area, strength reduction factors φ, tension and shear failure mode factors ψ and many other
  • Graphical display of the governing modes of failure
  • Recommendations to resist anchor tension and shear forces
  • Available and required anchor reinforcement area, development length depending on the failure mode
  • Detailed report containing all appropriate equations and applicable code sections including graphical sketches
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