Dimensional Solutions, Inc.

Foundation3D 2019 or Mat3D 2019 Special Offer

If you are currently using any prior version of Combined3D, Foundation3D or Mat3D, you would want to switch to our completely new products, Foundation3D 2019 or Mat3D 2019 as soon as possible to experience significant productivity gain. They offer a myriad of enhancements in the user interface that allow you to organize and see all the projects, calculate multiple foundation designs with one click, view the results of multiple foundations in one single window, and many others. To view the new features in Foundation3D 2019 and Mat3D 2019, click here.

Basic Version

Switch to Foundation3D 2019 Basic if you are using Combined3D and are current on maintenance before September 30, 2018 at no additional cost. Learn more about Foundation3D 2019 Basic.

Professional Version

Switch to Foundation3D 2019 Professional or Mat3D 2019 Professional from their respective current versions in use at your site before September 30, 2018 at no additional cost if these products are current on maintenance. Learn more about Foundation3D 2019 Professional and Mat3D 2019 Professional.

Premium Version

Foundation3D 2019 Premium and Mat3D 2019 Premium offer features and functions that make these products enterprise solutions. With their ability to check foundation layout conflicts in real time, generate 2D drawings and 3D models in AutoCAD and many other enterprise level features, you will experience significant productivity increase in completing your foundation design projects. Learn more about Foundation3D 2019 Premium and Mat3D 2019 Premium.

Switch to Foundation3D 2019 Premium or Mat3D 2019 Premium before September 30, 2018 and receive upto 40% discount on the Premium version upgrade fees. Please provide the information requested below to receive a quote for Premium version upgrade.


License Type

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